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Energy Saving Tips For The Winter

Using energy to keep your house and yourself warm during winter can add hefty amounts to your heating bills. Therefore, you must follow some energy-saving tips for the winter to save on costs. 

Besides that, if you're looking for premium boiler assistance, East Midlands Boiler Servicing LTD is here to support you. Our heating engineers can be found throughout Nottingham, Mansfield, and Derby.

5 energy saving tips

What are 5 energy saving tips?

Closing Curtains

Since windows are not insulated entirely, they can let the cold in. Remember to close your curtains at night to retain as much heat as possible. Studies have shown that closing your curtains can reduce the amount of heat lost from your home by up to 17%. 

Use LED lights

If you have yet to switch to the LEDs from bulbs, you're losing out on a lot. LED lights consume about 80% less energy than traditional bulbs. This factor adds up to efficiently saving energy in winter. 

Use Winter Clothes & Blankets to Stay Warm 

Warming your body is more cost-effective than heating your house. Lower your thermostat for about 6 to 8 hours, and wear a comfy sweater and thick socks to keep yourself warm during the day. Use a duvet, blanket, or comforter to stay warm at night. 

Keep the Doors Closed

Keeping the doors closed off the rooms you barely enter will help the heat stay trapped there. And thus, you will require less energy to heat your home. If there are any draughts coming from under doors, be sure to use draught excluders to prevent the cold air from one room from making its way into the rest of your home. 

If you're having severe boiler issues, we are committed to helping you. Our team offers efficient services for boiler repairs locally, you can browse through our work on our gallery page.

Replacing/Repairing Your Boiler

If your boiler is 10 years or older, it’s likely to be running inefficiently and costing you more than it needs to. You can have our heating engineers out to inspect your boiler and decide whether repairs or a replacement would be best. For more information, please get in touch by viewing our contact details down below.

Check also this blog: Why annual boiler servicing is so important

saving energy of your home

Maximise the Natural Heat Sources in Your Home

There are numerous ways to make the most of your home's natural heat sources and conserve energy throughout the winter, in addition to using artificial heating. Here are a few tips:

Rearrange your furniture

Rearranging your furniture can help you make the most of your home's natural heat sources. Move your sofa or bed away from external walls and windows, which are colder. This allows you to take advantage of the natural warmth given by your home's internal heating sources, such as radiators or fireplaces.

Make use of a humidifier.

Dry air might make your home appear cooler than it is. You can add moisture to the air by using a humidifier, making it seem warmer and more comfortable. This allows you to reduce the thermostat and save electricity while remaining nice and warm.

Use Rugs & Carpets

During the winter, bare floors can become very cold. You may provide an extra layer of insulation and warmth to your floors by using rugs and carpets. You can prevent heat loss and make your home cosy and pleasant this way.

Use Solar Energy

Another strategy to save money on your winter energy expenses is to use solar energy. To harness the power of the sun and generate electricity, solar panels can be installed on your roof or in your garden. This energy can then be used to power your home's heating system, minimising your reliance on fossil fuels and lowering your energy expenses.

Setting up a Smart Thermostat

By automatically adjusting your heating system to your demands, a smart thermostat can help you save energy. It can be set to turn on when you arrive home and off when you leave, conserving energy and lowering the amount you spend. You can even use your smartphone or tablet to control your smart thermostat remotely, making it simple to regulate your heating system from anywhere.

Seal Drafts and Leaks

Your home may feel colder than it actually is due to heat loss caused by leaks and drafts. Check for drafts or leaks in your windows, doors, and other locations and seal them with weather stripping or caulking. This will assist in keeping warm air inside your home and lowering your energy expenditures.

By utilising your home's natural heat sources, you can reduce your reliance on heating systems and save energy throughout the winter months.

Contact Us Today

Get more information about our extensive boiler services around areas of Derby, Nottingham & Mansfield from our expert gas engineers by ringing 07727663791 or 01773691000. You can also email us your query at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.