Expert Advice & News

A Guide to Landlord Gas Safety Checks

A Guide to Landlord Gas Safety Checks

Ensure the safety of your tenants, protect your investment and maintain peace of mind by undertaking regular gas safety checks. As a landlord, it's your legal obligation to undertake a gas safety check on your rental properties every year.

How To Keep Your Boiler Working Efficiently

How To Keep Your Boiler Working Efficiently

Your boiler needs regular care and servicing just like any other appliance in your home. Find out some ways you can ease the pressure off your boiler and keep it running as smoothly and efficiently as possible, to ensure you keep a major breakdown at bay.

Why Should I Service My Boiler Annually?

Why Should I Service My Boiler Annually?

Can you remember the last time you got your boiler serviced? Read on to find out exactly why it's so important to get your gas boiler serviced at least once a year and how failing to do so could put you and your family at risk.

Signs Which Indicate Your Boiler Needs Upgrading

Signs Which Indicate Your Boiler Needs Upgrading

Maintaining your home's heating system's efficiency and safety requires knowing when to upgrade your boiler. Regular boiler maintenance and understanding when to update can prevent complications. This blog post defines a boiler upgrade and lists five signals that it's time for one.